late december
Prompto Argentum + Gladiolus Amicitia
n/a | Complete
Sitting on the ground, one leg tucked under him, Prompto watched Henruit bolting after the ball he’d thrown and laughed at how he’d almost fallen over himself trying to stop. Prompto was so much more at ease in the city than he thought he’d be, and he knew that was because of Gladio and Noct, who helped peel away those feelings that would have driven him to panic if he had been here without them.

The city, even though its skyline didn’t match, reminded him of Insomnia before it fell. Glass glittered in the late afternoon sun, and the streets were alive with the laughter and voices of the people who lived here. People ran through crosswalks at blinking traffic lights, and cell phones chimed from hands and pockets, and the smell of small food vendors carried on the light and slightly cold breeze. All of it reminded him of that place Prompto had called home, that city he loved and had wanted to protect, and his heart still ached that he’d failed. Even now, Prompto remembered staring across the bay, drenched in rainwater, at the smouldering remnants of Insomnia and knowing that nothing would ever be the same. When he looked around Andromeda, sometimes its sparkling buildings and vivid colors and swell of voices turned monochromatic and deathly silent and a horrible fear tore at him.

Wordlessly, Prompto reached out and rested his hand over Gladio’s as Henruit bounded back towards them, trying to drown out the noise in his head.

Prompto wanted to stay present, focused on this. Right here, right now. They more than deserved that, didn’t they? The chance to live? He thought so, and now that Gladio was finally out of the hospital, Prompto wanted to take advantage of this time they had. At the back of his mind, their last conversation picked at him, that anxiety that he could lose him again gnawed at him, and Prompto gripped Gladio’s hand a little more because he was so scared of that. It just wasn’t fair and Prompto’s already shaken faith only crumbled more.

Just then, Henruit finally trotted up to them and Prom held out his other hand only to let it fall back to his side with a laugh as the dog dropped the ball in front of Gladio instead. “Breaking my heart buddy,” he commented, a smile settling on his face despite the dark thoughts that had been plaguing him only a moment before. Prompto tried harder to push them away and he laced his fingers with Gladio’s, hoping that it wasn’t too much. “It’s because I can’t throw it as far isn’t it?” Prompto pretended to act offended, but he broke, chuckling a little as he scratched Henruit behind the ears.

Like Prompto, Gladio hadn't stepped foot on Andromeda until more recently. Until he'd given Noct a ride back to the planet some weeks ago. It had just felt better somehow when he'd first arrived in the galaxy to slink off into the furthest reaches and lose himself. Like Prompto, he couldn't help the comparisons to Insomnia and maybe that's what had kept him away for so long. The reminder of what they had lost, what they had barely started to reclaim. It had always felt too close to home, too bright. Too clean somehow. Like he might taint it all just by even stepping foot.

But the reality was a far different story. It was still bright - almost too much some days but he knew that was just a byproduct of a decade in the dark. That sunlight was never going to be something he'd be able to get used to again. Or at least he hadn't i the time since dawn rose over Eos again that fateful day. Still though, it was nice. Andromeda. Felt a lot more like home than anything had in a while - though Gladio was sure that was more about Noctis and Prompto than the place itself.

He'd leaned back on his hands, legs stretched out long and head tilted back as he listened to the sounds of the crowds that carried over, the occasional bark of Henruit as he chased after the ball and a soft smile passed over his lips as he felt the warmth of Prompto's hand settle on his own. Despite everything he felt at peace. Prompto beside him, the afternoon stretching out and granting him a reprise to just exist for a little while.

Gladio squeezed Prompto's hand when their fingers laced together and he sat up a bit more to be able to look at Prompto, a smile on his face. "I can't even blame that on your scrawny arms anymore," Gladio teased to the question, his gaze giving a quick once over of Prompto. He gave Prompto's hand another little squeeze before he let go so he could pick up the ball in his hand and gave it a good throw for Henruit who immediately bounded off after it.

"Well at least as long as I can outthrow both you and Noct I don't have to worry about being replaced," he added lightly, eyes crinkled in amusement.

This feeling of home that had washed over Prompto recently, he knew that had a lot less to do with the fact that he had his two feet on land, in a city that vaguely reminded him of home, and more with the fact that he’d found his soul again. And that had everything to do with reconnecting with Gladio and with Noct, two people who meant the world to him. They were his soul, and they had his heart, and now that they were together, he’d found home again.

Out of the corner of his eye, and sometimes when he just completely turned to look at him not caring all that much about hiding the fact he was looking, Prom couldn’t help but feel his heart beat wildly in his chest at the way the sunlight hit Gladio and the smile on his face. All the darkness that had tried to cling to him dissipated, and a warm calm wrapped around Prompto making him feel safe and content.

Smiling brightly when Gladio squeezed his hand, he laughed at his reply, eyes sparkling. “They’re still pretty lame by comparison,” Prom interjected, pressing his arm against Gladio’s as if comparing them. Catching that look, Prom felt himself flush and he looked down for a second as he tried to settle his heart. He looked up in time to watch Gladio throw the ball, studying the way his muscles moved and trying to ignore the gentle squeeze of his heart in his chest.

“Don’t forget being tall enough to reach the top shelf.” Prompto nudged his shoulder and he lingered there for a moment before putting a little distance between them. He was still uncertain how affectionate he should be and he didn’t want to make Gladio uncomfortable while they were still navigating this relationship, or friendship, or whatever this was. They didn’t have to rush into anything and he was happy just getting the chance to spend time with him, no matter what they were doing.

Alright, so maybe it had been a little too shameless, his gaze, he realized as Prompto flushed. But it was hard to help. After Prompto's revelation on the ship it felt to Gladio almost as though he was looking at him for the first time. Looking at everything between them from a new angle. One he had never expected to. One that had let his own feelings, as guarded and locked up as he had made them over the years, start to unfurl and make themselves known again.

"Nah," he started in reply to Prompto comparing their arms. "It works for you. You'd look weird if you were any bulkier."

He nudged Prompto's shoulder back and kept the contact. Watched as Henruit wandered over again with the ball and threw it again. It was so simple really, this quiet little moment between them. But it meant so much. The literal years of war they had fought to find themselves here. "Tall shelf has its advantages," he mused, amusement in his tone. "Thinking I'm gonna put all of Noct's favourite cereal up there before I head out to meet up with you." Which was, really, just mean.

Sure, it was shameless, but Prom liked it and that was clear in the way he smiled even as he averted his eyes for a moment. Prompto wouldn’t call him out on it anyway, not with the way he’d look over at Gladio sometimes, expression soft and doing nothing to hide the depth of all the things he felt for him. And it was nice, knowing that he didn’t have to be as careful, that he could show some of this.

“Pfft, wow. Was that supposed to be a compliment?” Prom laughed, not offended in the least. He agreed, honestly, knowing his frame was just thinner and lent itself more towards the lean, toned muscles than the strong, impressive way Gladio was built. “I’ll take it. Besides, I’m definitely built more for endurance than power.” There was an innuendo there if you squinted.

Prompto’s expression softened and his lips curled up in a smile when Gladio pressed back against his shoulder, and Prom decided it would be okay if he leaned in a little more. “You know he’ll find some way to get back at you, right,” he shot back, amused. “Don’t get me caught up in the middle of that.” Not that he was going to actually talk Gladio out of doing it.

Gladio had, squinted - if the little raise of his brows and cheeky smile at Prompto's comment was any indication. "Endurance, hey?" he couldn't help but tease. And while, like with Noctis, Gladio wasn't exactly prepared to jump right into something huge with Prompto, it was kind of nice to be able to nudge along that line anyways. To flirt a little and just enjoy getting to see this side of Prompto.

Or - completely blow over that line as he spoke next. "What, you saying you don't want to be in the middle of me and Noct?" and if Prompto's comment had needed squinting, this one sure as hell didn't. That same cheeky little smile on Gladio's lips as he said it, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes though really, there was at least some merit to his words. Perhaps testing the waters a little of what this all might look like down the line, where they might end up. After all, Prompto and Noctis had made it clear that their feelings weren't restricted to one person, and he was starting to realize his own weren't either.

Gladio threw the ball again. A soft smile on his face as he watched Henruit run off after it again before the dog came back with it and seemed content then to flop down beside them on the grass. Gladio reached for Prompto's hand again, threading their fingers together. Their conversation on the Praespero had rattled around in his mind since it had happened. Prompto's confession of his feelings, the unapologetic honesty behind it all that Gladio quite frankly admired.

"You told me back on the ship that I didn't have to have any feelings for you - I do though, Prom. I really do and I always kind of have." He lifted his gaze up to meet Prompto's. "I love you," he said easily, if only a little bit late to the game. He curled his free hand around the back of Prompto's neck and smiled a little. "And I know I'm kind of a mess right now, but I'm working on it. For you, for Noctis."

Despite having said it, seeing Gladio react made Prompto feel a little shy. It wasn’t like he had any experience to really back that statement up anyway. He only had the one, and it was with him, not that Prompto had ever said anything about that to Gladio. “Stamina’s important too, isn’t it,” Prompto joked, digging that hole a little deeper, feeling the heat of a blush creeping across his face. His inexperience was bound to become obvious if they kept talking about this, Prompto knew, but it was a little fun to flirt with him, even if he wasn’t sure he was any good at it.

Nearly choking on the water he’d picked out of the bag they’d brought with them, Prompto felt his face get even hotter as he tried to regain his composure. “Maybe in the middle of that,” he answered with a nervous little chuckle. Glancing over at Gladio, Prompto laughed a little more at that cheeky grin, nudging him with his shoulder. “Right in the gutter, huh?” Though he didn’t want to get carried away with this line of thought in the middle of the park, Prompto couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like, this relationship with the three of them. How it would work. While it would be a lie to say Prompto hadn’t thought about the physical side of it, that wasn’t what was the most important to him. He didn’t want to rush into that, to confuse or complicate things, because what he wanted more than anything was just to build something real, something stable.

Prompto watched Henruit chase after the ball before he turned to see the smile on Gladio’s face. The softness of it made Prompto’s chest feel tight and he couldn’t help but smile too. That look was something Prompto hoped he got to see more of, hoped that maybe he could inspire too. He wanted to be a source of comfort for the people he loved, a place they could turn to, just like he’d wanted to be when they were younger. Feeling Gladio lace their fingers together, Prom’s curled and squeezed gently as an almost shy smile settled on his face.

At the sound of Gladio’s voice, Prompto’s mind was pulled back into focus and hearing him start with those words had Prom bracing himself just a little. He let go of the breath he didn’t notice he had been holding as Gladio continued, but all the air seemed to leave his lungs when Gladio said that he loved him. The easy way the words came out sent Prom’s soul soaring and he smiled a little brighter.

“It’s okay if you’re a mess. I am too,” he whispered, an affectionate and amused look in his eye. “I still love you.” After holding that in for so many years, Prom wasn’t really that surprised at how easy it was to say them, because his heart had wanted to for so long that it didn’t let him hesitate. “You can take as much time as you need, and if I can help, I will. I want to. But no matter what, I’ll always be here.”

Gladio just smirked good naturedly and nudged Prompto back. "Hey now, I meant some giant cuddle pile, whose mind is going to the gutter now," he teased, amusement on his expression as he looked at Prompto. Backtracking because he could and it was all in good fun to put that owness back on Prompto.

He glanced down at their hands, stroked his thumb lightly against Prompto's skin and smiled softly. It was strange really, the unconditional it's okay both Noctis and Prompto had given to him. It was hard, to go against his first reaction which was to tell them both they were full of it and nothing about the man he was right then was okay. That being a mess was a luxury he couldn't afford. A weakness he wasn't allowed to give into. He was supposed to be better than that, stronger.

"You know, no one's ever said that to me before, that it's okay to not have my shit together - just you and Noct," he gave Prompto's hand a squeeze. Even in his lowest moments after Noctis' death, when Cor had to drag him out of the worst of it, there had never been an it's okay. Just suck it up and put yourself back together. As if it were that easy. And gods how ashamed he felt now, and had back then really, for the way he had done the same to Noctis in the wake of Lady Lunafreya's death.

"It helps, Prom," he added and lifted his gaze again. "You help."

Feeling as if his face was on fire, Prompto managed to somehow blush and feel like he paled for a second, a weird combination of hot and cold that made his heart confused in his chest. “Uhm.” was his initial response, not sure what to say because he was in a little bit of an anxious confusion. “Mine, I guess. Sorry,” he continued, laughing to try to cover up his embarrassment. Even completely out of his element here, Prom felt okay because it was Gladio. He just hoped his friend found this whole thing awkwardly charming and not off-putting. “A giant cuddle pile is good too.”

A little shiver raced through Prompto at Gladio’s gentle touch and he relaxed a little more against Gladio’s side.

“That wasn’t fair to you,” Prom insisted, quietly. “There was a lot that was asked of us, and especially of you and… there wasn’t any time to process anything? And it really is okay not to have everything together. You’re only human, Gladio, and you’ve been through a lot.” Prompto squeezed his hand back, smiling softly. “So, take however long you need, but it… might be good to be a mess for a little while and process and figure out everything first. And I’ll be here the whole way, okay?”

The thought of processing it all was a daunting one to say the least. And something Gladio wasn't even sure he was entirely capable of doing. Processing everything meant facing certain truths about his life, his family and the lies told to him by his own father, things he knew would invite in an anger he wasn't sure there would be any coming back from. He had already been so angry for so long and what had it even given him in the end. Nothing good.

Gladio lifted his gaze to meet Promoto's. The sheer acceptance and love that shone through Prompto's brilliant blue gaze had something warm and wholly tempting in nature spreading through Gladio's chest. Something so much better than the anger and the hurt he had been carrying around. It was a strange sort of feeling, to be excited about his future instead of dreading it. A future that, hopefully, involved Prompto and Noctis.

"I know you will be," he replied, his voice sure of that.

Gladio lifted his hand and curled his fingers behind Prompto's neck. "I should have called you, after that night," he said. Of course there had still been their limited contact after, but that wasn't what he meant. Gladio wasn't even sure what it would have even done really. Maybe it would have changed nothing. Maybe it would have changed everything. But he knew he should have found out. "I'm sorry I didn't. You deserved better than that."

Prompto knew all about how overwhelming trying to process everything was. He still struggled with most of it now, but he had been slowly making progress on it all though he had stalled out a little on it for a while when he’d hit the bottom and just couldn’t get himself to rise up out of it. The lowest he’d been was probably just before he had been pulled here and bit by bit, he had started to climb out of that deep pit he had fallen into. Now, Prompto could even see the light at the top and the edge was so close, all he had to do was keep going. The weights on his shoulders, the ones around his wrists and ankles, they all still threatened to pull him down but they were lighter than they used to be and Prompto hoped that Gladio would be able to drag himself out of that darkness too, and Prompto wanted him to always know that he would be there to help him.

“Good.” Prompto smiled a little brighter up at him and revelled in the warm, comforting feeling inside of him. It only helped him more to try to pull himself out of that hole he had fallen into, and he knew it was because he finally had a future he could look forward to, a real life that he had thought he had all but lost.

Under Gladio’s hand on his neck, Prompto’s skin felt hot and it took him a little too long to process what Gladio was talking about but when it did click, his face turned red for a moment as a strange feeling made his stomach flip and tie itself into knots. It was a feeling he hadn’t really had since that night, an anxious kind of expectant feeling but also this unnameable want.

“It’s okay,” he replied, a shy smile taking over the look of shock that had briefly twisted his features. “What’s that called? Smash and dash?” Prompto added with a laugh, trying to make the subject lighter. He’d understood why it couldn’t have really been more even though he had wanted so badly for it to be. Prompto had been longing for any kind of real connection since they had parted ways after Noct had gotten absorbed into the Crystal, but all of their responsibilities took them in different directions and quick phone calls that were all business or the occasional run-ins that were almost always accidental just weren’t enough. But Prompto couldn’t say that back then, he couldn’t demand more of them than they were willing to give, not when they were all spread so thin. “Wasn’t a bad first time, all things considered.”

There was a bit of a laugh at the crude slang but the shake of his head and little wrinkle in his expression he hoped conveyed that was not what his intention had been all those years ago.

But whatever lightness Prompto had been going for, and almost got, with that comment was shattered by the next thing out of his mouth. It felt almost like back on the Praespero, having everything he had thought he'd known about their history rewritten on him once more. "Wait - seriously?" He blurted out before his brain had really caught up with his mouth.

It was a bit hard to wrap his head around really. Prompto was… well… Prompto. He was smart and funny, kind, warm, damn gorgeous and Gladio had just assumed most everyone else saw that too. That there wouldn't have been any shortage of people willing and wanting to get to know Prompto on a very personal level. That no one had? Well, there was a part of him - a part he wasn't exactly proud of right then - that felt a bit of a thrill at that little piece of information. To know he had been the first to lay claim to Prompto, to know him in a way no one else had before him.

And then made the dick move of not even calling."I - uh - really should have called then," he said, his voice heavy with regret for not.

A sense of relief washed over Prompto when Gladio laughed, and his answering expression, soft eyes and an even kinder smile, hopefully let Gladio know that Prom didn’t think that had been his intention all those years ago.

He suddenly felt really self-conscious again when Gladio responded to his admission and Prompto wondered if maybe he shouldn’t have said anything. It was probably weird, wasn’t it? Knowing that? Prompto had always thought that it would probably make things awkward which was why he’d never said anything about it, not that they’d ever talked about that night after it had happened anyway. Still, the words just came out and Prompto felt a little lighter for having said them, even if his insides felt all twisted.

“Yeah. First and… only, actually,” he added before he could really stop himself. If admitting the first part hadn’t been awkward enough, the second part definitely was. Prompto bit his lower lip, worried it between his teeth as he straightened up, no longer leaning against Gladio though he didn’t untangle their hands. He still wanted some contact even if he felt uneasy in his own skin, his old body issues taking hold of him.

There had been a few people who had expressed interest in Prompto, that was true. He’d gotten more invitations and propositions than he could count, but he’d always turned all of them down. His body went where his heart went, and his heart had always been split between his friends and he was faithful to that, even though there… hadn’t really been anything to be faithful to back then except the love he harbored in secret. Still, he’d rejected every offer before Gladio’s and every one since.

Prompto nudged Gladio with his shoulder when he heard that regret in his tone. “I get why you didn’t, Gladio. It’s okay. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry,” Squeezing Gladio’s hand, he tried to comfort him, feeling guilty for making him feel bad. It hadn’t been his intention when he’d told him that, and he kinda wished that he could take it back.

Gladio turned in to face Prompto a bit better as the other pulled away and seemed to curl into himself. Gently he lifted Prompto's chin up with his thumb, gaze maybe still a little surprised by the turn of events but warm nonetheless. Nothing there to indicate he was upset at being told.

Of course there was a guilt there that gnawed at Gladio - but guilt was a constant with him now. A sort of had I known... thought that he wasn't even sure how to finish. Would it have changed it? Maybe the details. But Gladio didn't regret sleeping with Prompto, not in the least. There had been very few good memories to cling onto in those dark years, that night had been one of them. No, the regret only laid in how he'd handled the after - especially knowing now that it had meant more to Prompto than Gladio had thought it did. That the feelings Gladio had for so many years just shoved aside and told himself could never be returned were just that. Returned. And then some.

"Hey, Prom - " he started, voice soft. "Don't be sorry, okay." He smiled a little. "I'm not upset, just -" there was a small shrug of his shoulders. "Kind of caught off guard," he admitted. But then Prompto always had had a way of doing that, catching him off guard. Surprising him in a million different ways. It was one of the things Gladio had always liked about Prompto - loved about him.

Gladio smiled again and leaned back on his hands, the smile turning a bit cheeky. "Probably makes me a bit of an asshole that I kind of like it though, right?" Yeah, so maybe he had a bit of a possessive streak at times. At least when it came to certain people.

Though Prompto let Gladio tilt his head back, it took Prom an extra few seconds to lift his eyes up to hold Gladio’s, nervousness still gnawing at him and making it hard for him to find the courage to look up. When he finally did, he was relieved to see that Gladio didn’t seem upset or angry or anything. Maybe a little surprised, but Prom could also see that warmth as much as he could feel it, burning in his chest and in his skin where Gladio’s hands touched him. Prompto felt his anxiety melt away and he smiled again.

Thinking about all the what ifs had been a pitfall Prompto had fallen into a million times. There were so many choices he made where he couldn’t help but agonize over, to linger on the fear that he’d made the wrong one, or that if he had chosen differently, everything could have been better. Each time Prompto swallowed his feelings, pushed them aside or up on high shelves, because he was worried it would be too much or unwanted, he couldn’t help but wonder what if he hadn’t? What if he told them that he loved them? Would it have made any difference? But what ifs were just binds, heavy weights that tied him down and Prompto needed to learn to let go of them. There was a real chance for them to move forward, a real future for them, and getting caught up in what ifs wasn’t going to help.

Prompto opened his mouth, the words I’m sorry on his tongue again, but he bit them back. “Okay,” he said instead, and slowly, his smile grew brighter, more confident. Caught off guard was okay. Well, it was better than the alternatives. Then again, Prompto kind of liked that he’d somehow caught him by surprise, something about it amusing to him.

“Maybe a little,” Prompto replied with a surprised laugh as his eyebrows shot up. “That’s gonna go right to your head isn’t it?” A feeling of giddiness mingled with the remnants of the nervousness in him, and Prompto realized that he liked that possessiveness. Exhaling softly, Prompto leaned against Gladio again, hoping it was okay.

"Not at all," he answered with a raise of his brows. Which was to say, it definitely would.

Gladio was quiet for a moment, just enjoying the closeness. He let go of Prompto's hand, only to slip his arm around him and pull him in a bit closer. He ducked his head down and rested his forehead against Prompto's shoulder, a soft smile on his lips as he let himself give into the moment. The warmth of the late afternoon sun on them, the crispness of the air, the calm that washed over him with Prompto there - both of them for once safe and something that could even be called happy. Gladio could get used to it.

“You were a first for me too," he started before he lifted his head to look at Prompto. "The whole sex with someone I have feelings for? Yeah, you were my first." He paused, "my only."

Anything other than that hadn't really been an option for Gladio. Always aware of the fact his life belonged first and foremost to Noctis and all the things that came with it. There hadn't been room for dating, not that he was even sure he would have wanted it anyways. Like Prompto, his heart had always been with them. Even if he hadn't fully realized just how deep that ran. Sex had always just been a means to an end, something fun and easy. Never laced in anything more than a passing attraction to someone.

“Wow, I didn’t even believe that for a second.” Prompto laughed, shaking his head.

Just as Prom was about to protest Gladio pulling his hand away, that arm was around him and Prompto settled against Gladio’s side with a contented sigh. For a long time, Prom had only ever dreamed about getting to be close to him, had found himself just hoping that they could be friends if they couldn’t have anything like this. Everything was still new and there was still a lot they had to figure out, but he was happy here. Putting his around Gladio, Prom gently rested his cheek against the top of Gladio’s head as he let his eyes close.

Opening them again at the sound of Gladio’s voice, Prom’s heart skipped a beat as he listened quietly, his mind scrabbling to process what Gladio had said. That night had meant a lot to Prompto for a huge list of reasons — sleeping with someone he loved, finally getting that V-card punched… the list goes on and on — but hearing that it had meant something to Gladio too made him at once feel elated and just a touch self-conscious. The former because, well, it was really important to Prom and he’d hoped it was memorable for Glad too. And the latter because…. he hoped it was memorable for the right reason. Not because he was awkward or awful, or something else.

“Should I not let that go to my head,” Prom asked quietly, a little sheepishly, while his heart thundered away in his chest. He wasn’t sure how to articulate the mad rush of feelings inside of him, but at his core, he knew he was just so overwhelmingly thankful for this and happy. It all just kept coming back to that and Prompto had realized just how much he had forgotten what happiness felt like. “But… it means a lot to me to hear you say that. So… uhm… thank you.” Was that awkward? Probably. But ninety-nine percent of what Prom was could be described as or narrowed down to awkward and Gladio had stuck by him then and hopefully still would now.

There were moments when Gladio couldn't help but wonder if he was just being a stubborn idiot. If waiting for some day when he was better, worthy of the love being so freely offered up to him was a mistake. A way to punish himself for all his shortcomings as much as it was some misguided notion of honour that had been instilled into him from before he could even remember. It was especially hard in the quiet little moments like these, when so much if him longed to push forward. To let what was growing between them unfold and bloom. To know how right it would feel even as the darker parts of his mind reassured him it wasn't that. Right. Prompto deserved so much more than he had to give right then and he had to hold onto that.

The night had been memorable for Gladio too, and not for any self conscious reasons Prompto had gone to. Nothing awkward or awful about it at all, and Prompto's confession that had been his first hadn't caused any moment of well that makes sense in regards to the encounter. But then the four of them had existed as such a cohesive unit for that trip, had found their groove so completely with each other that it had seemed to just effortlessly extend to sex too.

Gladio smiled a little at the awkward thank you, though only charmed really by it and extension, Prompto. "You're welcome" he replied in kind, eyes crinkled with amusement and literal years slipping from his face with the look. Again he fought with himself, with what he wanted and what he was sure was the right thing to do. Because it would be easy. Too damn easy really to give into this moment, to duck his head down and claim Prompto's lips with his own with a softness that had been missing from that desperate night. But he didn't, though he did give in a little - brushed his lips against Prompto's forehead and smiled again.

Gladio laid back on the grass, folding his hands behind his head and gave Prompto a cheeky grin. "And you absolutely should let that go to your head by the way."

Prompto didn’t find any kind of fault in the fact that Gladio wanted to heal first, to work through and process things before really moving forward with this. That didn’t mean there wasn’t a small longing in Prom’s chest, but he was patient. He’d waited all this time, what was a little while longer? And he didn’t want Gladio to feel pressured or like Prompto was expecting him to give something he wasn’t ready, able, or even just willing to. Even if this was all Gladio could give him, Prom would be happy, and he hoped Gladio always knew that. Prom’s love for him wouldn’t change.

At the time, Prompto hadn’t felt awkward or unsure because part of it was the height of every other emotion in him, the adrenaline, too, and that had helped block out any feelings of nervousness at his lack of experience. The rest was because it was Gladio, someone he trusted completely with every part of him, and he knew he could let go and not get caught up in his own head. All the uncertainty and awkwardness came after, but he’d been able to push it all to the back of his mind when they never talked about it again, until now, when it all came crawling back.

A huff of laughter escaped Prom at the you’re welcome, and it felt like a weight had been taken down off his shoulders, and that creeping nervousness retreated. Whatever was left of it was gone completely in the wake of the way Gladio smiled, the way his whole face seemed to change, and it was like they had gone back in time, back to before the darkness had touched them. Even Prom felt younger.

If Gladio had kissed him right then, he probably would have melted right there on the spot, but he didn’t and that was okay too. Maybe one day he would, when he was ready. Prom would wait for that, no matter how long it took. He was content enough with the soft brush of Gladio’s lips against his forehead, and he sighed happily, eyes closed.

Pulling one of his knees up, Prom wrapped his arms around it and rested his cheek there, head turned towards Gladio to see that cheeky look on his face. “I will then,” Prom quipped with a chuckle. Smiling brightly, Prom just kept his gaze leveled on Gladio with a soft expression on his face. He could really get used to this.

"And hey - next time -" he started, a little lift of his brows. Because there would be a next time. Now that Gladio knew how Prompto felt, how they both felt, he wasn't about to give up on seeing all of this through. "I'll buy you dinner first, you know, like a proper gentleman." The way he had entertained those ideas of it happening so many years ago. Asking Prompto out, taking him somewhere nice, making him know in no uncertain terms just how special Gladio thought he was. Accompanied by the now familiar twinge of regret at knowing he just should have.

Hindsight was a bitch.

Gladio groaned as Henruit decided to trot over and make himself comfortable, flopping down on Gladio. A half cough to catch the air that had been knocked from his lungs at the sudden weight. "Hey," he protested with a laugh but his hand came up to thread through the fur on top of Henruit's head regardless.

His gaze lifted up to the sky and he smiled a little playfully as he drifted it back to Prompto. "There's a cloud that looks like a chocobo," he said - only half serious. More an excuse to get Prompto to come lay beside him than anything else.

“Oh yeah?” Prom chuckled as he looked over at Gladio, warmth in his eyes. “Wine and dine me before you take me home?” Prom really didn’t need that kinda thing to know that Gladio cared about him, but at the same time he wanted to be taken out, wanted the romance too because he was a little hopeless in that department. But the idea of there being a next time woke up the butterflies inside of him and Prom could feel the beating of those tiny wings in his chest making him feel lighter than air and a blush settled across his face again, rising to the tips of his ears.

Leaning back on his hands when Henruit got up to plop himself on top of Gladio, Prom laughed though realized he was — just momentarily — jealous. He wished that he could do the same, but respected that it just wasn’t time for that yet. So he just smiled and reached out to ruffle the fur on the dog’s side.

“I’ll be the judge of that,” he replied, amused, as he turned his eyes up to the sky, scanning the slowly passing clouds for anything that could have passed for a chocobo. “I think you need to get your eyes checked, big guy.” Prom laughed again as he kept his eyes trained upwards for another few moments. Lowering himself down, he turned his head to look at Gladio. “Wanna try again?”

It had been years since the sun had come back, but in all the time Gladio couldn't say he had ever really enjoyed an afternoon in it. Rather it was just some cruel mocking reminder of what they had lost in return, of Noctis' sacrifice. Gladio had never been able to reconcile that, never been able to let himself to view their world as light again when all he could see and feel himself was the darkness of his grief.

But it was easy to give into it then. Prompto's laughter bringing a smile to his lips as it so often had all the years they'd known each other. The way the sunlight lit up those bright blue eyes, blond hair practically a halo and all those goddamn freckles that drove him crazy - and Gladio couldn't help but wonder how he had ever convinced himself he wasn't completely and madly in love with the man beside him. So as ridiculous as the whole thing was - looking up at the clouds for shapes - it was perfect nonetheless.

Gladio shook his head with a laugh of his own and pointed out a fluff of a shape. "Nah, see - looks like the hair you used to have. Chocobo butt." The fact he was very much not serious about this more than evident in his tone and the crinkle in his eyes.

A long time ago, Prom’s favorite part of the day was getting up early, running through the city and watching the sun come up. A sunrise had always been like a promise, a new day, but after Noct’s sacrifice, Prompto couldn’t find the joy in it that he used to be able to. The sun had been out the day they buried him and Prompto only felt cold underneath it and he knew it would never be the same. In all the years since, Prom only saw one sunrise, until he’d come here and he watched one with Noct at his side, and now, basking in it by Gladio’s side, Prom didn’t feel as cold.

Glancing over at Gladio, Prom was a little surprised at the way he was looking at him. Prompto knew he’d been getting a lot more sun lately and his freckles were finally coming out of hiding, brought back with the light and he wondered if it looked weird. “What,” he asked, amused, as a blush crept across his cheeks. “Is there something on my face?”

Prompto followed where Gladio was pointing and laughed again when he heard him tease about his old hairstyle. “It really did look like a chocobo butt, didn’t it?” Sometimes Prom forgot how long his hair had actually gotten but small things like this made him remember. It was like that with a lot of things, Prom realized. A lot of things had changed and somehow it was easy to miss them and he was changing again. He could feel it, but this time it was for the better.

Gladio shook his head. "Nope, just your face," he replied, voice soft. "It's a good face," he continued as he rolled his head back to look up at the sky.

"It was cute though," Gladio admitted. As much as he might have teased Prompto about the style it had always been just that. Teasing. "Suited you back then," he added. Prompto with all his frenetic and kinetic energy, bounding into all their lives really and providing them all with a much needed breath of fresh air. And if the past few weeks of them, well at least almost all of them, being back together were any indication Prompto still was that. A reminder of life outside everything Gladio tended to let himself get too wrapped up in. A touchstone of sorts, someone to pull him back when he got too far into his own head.

"I like what you've got going on now too though," Gladio mused as he snuck another glace. "Very space pirate."

Laughing, Prom shook his head. “Well good, because it’s the only one I’ve got.”

It was funny, because once, Prom might have scrunched his nose at the idea of being called cute, or any part of him being called that. Cute was for kids and siblings and girls. He’d wanted to be considered attractive, but when people had to compare him to Ignis or Gladio or Noct, he always felt like it was inevitable that he was going to come up short. But stuff like that didn’t bother him as much anymore. Whether that was because he’d just gotten over it, or because he just accepted the way things were, in the end, it didn’t really matter. “Yeah? That you saying you don’t think I could pull it off now?” In fairness, Prom didn’t think he could either even if he’d wanted to.

“Well thanks. That’s sort of what I was going for.” Prom chuckled, amused, but he couldn’t ignore the little pang in his chest at that little white lie. A lot of his choices lately were made more by this sinking, dark depression that had grabbed hold of him and refused to let go rather than by his own conscious decision. Slowly, though, Prompto was starting to reclaim control over his own life, one little thing at a time. “I never really thought about letting my hair grow out before. But I always liked yours long.”

He shrugged. "You probably still could, but really, Prom, you'd look good no matter what." Even if Prompto's old hair style might have been a bit ridiculous on a grown man.

Born out of depression was a concept Gladio knew well himself. Most the new length on his own hair had been a result of the same. Not giving a shit enough to properly take care of himself. But he was still a far cry now from the more than grizzled look he'd fallen into before finding Noctis. Hair still longer than it had ever been at home but he'd at least trimmed up the ends and started doing the same to his beard. The scruff at least looked more intentional and maintained than the may or may not have showered for four days, drinking a bottle of whiskey for breakfast look he had going on before.

He grinned a little at Prompto's words. "So you're saying I inspired you?" Another grin, the corners of his eyes crinkled with amusement. "Well, I am pretty inspiring." Only about - halfway - serious with that.

Probably isn’t all that convincing, you know,” Prom shot back with a laugh. Still, he blushed a little when Gladio implied he was attractive. Even if he didn’t really mean it (though Prom felt that he did, and that only made him blush more), hearing that was nice. Especially coming from someone Prom had always thought was insanely good looking and charming. “Thanks,” he added quietly.

Prompto knew that darkness still clung to Gladio, only because he knew that it still clung to him too. He’d never defined it, never let himself acknowledged that he was depressed, that he was traumatized, that he was suffering, but he knew that he was and the history they shared made it easier for Prom to see the same in his friend. Still, there was still hope for them to be able to shed that darkness, now more than ever, and Prompto clung to that small light with all he had.

“Yeah, you’re inspiring. Humble, too.” Rolling his eyes, the expression was tempered by the bright smile that refused to leave Prom’s face, one that softened all the lines that age and trauma had etched into him, one that made his eyes shine. Prompto reached for Gladio’s hand then, delicately threading their fingers together before turning his face back towards the sky. With the warmth of the sun against his skin, Prom let his eyes close, sighing happily.